Become the official distributor of Hitachi Sumitomo in Philippines

As time has gone on, MAYON MACHINERY has continued to grow its rental business in Philippines market since 2014. With the aim to be the leading solution provider to the construction industry, the distributor agreement between MAYON and HITACHI SUMITOMO (HSC nowadays) has been settled to expand the market with innovative technologies and high-quality products. Bring crawler cranes from HITACHI SUMITOMO, MAYON MACHINERY expects to deliver excellent mobility machines over soft surfaces from construction to civil engineering and port cargo handling. Under the term of the distributor agreement, MAYON MACHINERY will have sales and marketing rights to HITACHI SUMITOMO’s Crawler Crane Lineup in the Philippines.

“With more than 60 years foundation from the holding companies in Japan, we are tremendously excited at the opportunity to expand the market with HITACHI SUMITOMO. This agreement is more accessible for our partners and customers in the Philippines to work with us”, said the president Yasuo Yamashita.
